Cloud-based application delivery vs traditional application delivery controllers

October 20, 2021

In today's digital world, businesses rely on applications more than ever. Application delivery can make or break your user experience. Traditional application delivery controllers (ADCs) have been around for a while, but cloud-based application delivery services are quickly gaining popularity. In this blog post, we'll compare cloud-based application delivery and traditional ADCs to help you decide which option is best for your business.

What are traditional ADCs?

Traditional ADCs are hardware or software solutions that manage application delivery and security. ADCs usually sit between the application server and the client to optimize performance and provide security.

Traditional ADCs are a proven solution that can handle large volumes of traffic, but they require maintenance, updates, and replacement every few years.

What is cloud-based application delivery?

Cloud-based application delivery services are similar to traditional ADCs, except that they are delivered as a service from a cloud provider. Cloud-based application delivery services use a distributed network of servers to deliver applications and provide security.

Cloud-based application delivery services are scalable and easy to manage, and they can be less expensive than traditional ADCs.

How do they compare?


Traditional ADCs offer high-speed, low-latency connectivity, and are well-suited for handling large, steady volumes of traffic. However, cloud-based application delivery services, with their distributed network of servers, can actually offer better performance for users who are geographically dispersed. Cloud-based application delivery services can also handle sudden bursts of traffic better than traditional ADCs.


Security is a key consideration for any application delivery solution. Traditional ADCs offer a variety of security features, such as DDoS protection, SSL/TLS offloading, and IP blocking. Cloud-based application delivery services offer these same security features as well as additional security measures like web application firewalls and bot management.


Traditional ADCs are expensive to purchase and maintain. Cost can include capital expenses for the hardware and software, maintenance fees, updates, and replacements. Cloud-based application delivery services are less expensive upfront and can be pay-as-you-go. Cloud-based application delivery services tend to have predictable, easy-to-calculate costs that can adjust to changes in demand.


In conclusion, it's clear that cloud-based application delivery services offer a lot of advantages over traditional ADCs. Cloud-based solutions provide better scalability, faster deployment times, and improved performance at a lower cost. However, traditional ADCs continue to be an option for organizations with specific needs for managing high volumes of steady traffic.

Ultimately, the choice between cloud-based application delivery and traditional ADCs depends on your organization's specific needs. But whatever solution you choose, ensure that it’s optimized to deliver fast, secure, and reliable applications to your customers.


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